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Three New Trips!

Alright! We added three new trips!

The eveing fishing, Evening/sunset Cruise and the Fireworks Cruise. Each of these trips start in the early evening and get you out on the water for a nice ride a sunset and some fun!

Salisbury Fireworks

Check out all our options on our Rates Page

Fishing Report 6.7.14

Our first tuna trip of the season!

Capt Ed and I headed out towards Jeffrey’s ledge to scope out the tuna situation. The harpoon boats have been working areas up and down the coast from Maine to Rhode Island. We had reports of activity on Jeffrey’s so we headed that way.  As we reached our destination we set up shop and started trolling a few squid bars. Things were looking good. Harpoon boats were working the area. we were marking tons of bait and more importantly TUNA!!


we were not able to raise any fish on our first pass. So we anchored on the edge of a nice area that was loaded with bait. Once we settled into our routine we commenced ground fishing for “local” bait. We managed to bring in a tremendous amount of haddock, many of which were smaller than the legal limit that had to be released.haddys We set an active haddock out on our kite and a few mackerel on our drop lines. unfortunately we were unable to secure a tuna but we know they are in the area and we will persist in catching some!

Til next time!,

Capt. Jeff

Fishing report 6.6.14

The fishing action has started to get better as we enter summer.

On Friday we had our first charter with Father and son team the “Fosters”The Fosters

We managed a few mackerel early in the morning but were unable to fill the livewell enough to fish the whole day. As Tide started to run out we drifted the  mouth of the river and picked up some schoolies on small pieces of clam. Towards the bottom of the tide we started fishing live mackerel, making short trips we were able to produce one fat  35″  keeper. Later that afternoon we ran out into deeper water and picked up another 25 mackerels.  Once the outgoing tide died down we were unable to produce any more fish, we trolled plum islands beach front and then drifted the incoming with no result.

Word from the rest of the weekend was that there were larger stripers feeding Saturday and a few were landed.

we will continue to update you as the season moves on.


Capt Jeff

Bluefin Blowout 2014

Please check out our best charter opportunity available:

It’s called the bluefin blowout. I would like 2-3 guys/gals to charter this trip it’s a two day tournament out of Gloucester. As a team we would get tournament swag, drink tickets and two dinners. There are 50 boats all competing to catch the largest bluefin tuna. It is a giant tuna trip and the boat does retain the fish. The cost is $2500.

There is a side bet run through the tournament called a Calcutta, last year the bet was $200 per day per boat. Hopefully it will be the same this year meaning if every boat was in the Calcutta there would be up to 20k$ In side bet money. Last year almost every boat entered the Calcutta. As a charter it will be your choice if you want to put in for the Calcutta and the winnings will be split by those who chose to take part in the event of a win. The Calcutta is a daily prize given to the boat with the largest fish each day.

It is very fun and it is 2 days of fishing.
The date is August 1-2.
You will not be let down this is a truly professional fun and well run event. We would love for you to be a part of it!

Big Blue Shark

Thought we were on a tuna here, ,sharks don’t normally take much line off the reel. This one did at first!  As you can hear we were looking for a tuna and when i say its a shark capt Ed says “NOOOOO”